How I make Brutal Pico Race – Second and last part

I realized I forgot to explain what is the road block type last time, so before talking about the ship rendering, I’m talking about the road again.

The road

Road type

If you remember, I explained that the road data structure is a straight array of road block, with each road block having properties (coordinates, turn effect, a color and a type). I also explained how to model a half-pipe road. So what is the type of road block ? As you can see when playing, the road is not always in the same configuration, sometimes flat, sometime only right or left part of half-pipe and sometime both. This is the road type. The road type is a bit field that tell how the half-pipe is.

Value               256|...|16|8|4|2|1|
2nd right elevation    |   |  | | | |X|
1st right elevation    |   |  | | |X| |
Normal flat road       |   |  | |X| | |
1st left elevation     |   |  |X| | | |
2nd left elevation     |   | X| | | | |
Start lane            X|   |  | | | | |

So a road type with full left elevation and 1 right  is valued type=30 and looks like this :

This value is set automatically when there is turns but it also can be force. That’s the case of the screenshot where the default for a straight road type is 4. I didn’t have enough pico8 token to put all the special road type I first wanted, but it is the game with pico8 !

The ship

Stacked Data

Ships are stored directly on the spritesheet. They are composed of 3 stacked layers, so editing a ship is really easy (and fun, I think !), you just have to draw it. They are loaded in a array at the race init. You have the same kind of storage in Zepton and maybe other pico 8 cartridge. We also keep a shadow in a array, which is the 3 layers merged into one.

Layers of ships

You can take a look at the implementation in the loadss function below. There is some extra information like width, height and mass compute from the pixels. You can also see that the shadow is half precision, to save some cpu when rendering.

-- loading a ship
function loadss(nbss,ss,sss)
 local m,xmin,xmax,zmin,zmax=
 for k=7,0,-1 do-- y
  for j=0,7 do-- x
   local shad=false
   for i=2,0,-1 do
    if c~=0 then
   --half z
   if shad and k%2==0 then
 -- /5 because half_width*scale
 local si=ship_info[nbss+1]


As we always see ships from the back when playing, we carefully load them from front to back, so they can be draw without sorting them and this saves a lot of cpu. The projection is the same that the one used for the road vertices (weak perspective projection). This projection is applied for each voxel. Another important feature we need to render ship is rotation, on multiple axis, because of half-pipe. The ship has the same rotation for all the voxels, so I compute one rotation matrix (I use a euler angles), one per ship and per frame.  Then I apply the matrix to all the voxels. In splitscreen, this is done only once too. I could have save some cpu by not computing rotation when the ships are not visible, it only save cpu for some kind of situation, when we only see few ships. When we have to see all ship, it doesn’t save cpu and may have a little overhead. Furthermore, I didn’t have enough pico8 tokens left ! Here is the calcrotmat function, you can see that pitch, yaw and roll may not be standard, but I messed up to early with axis name to change them.

function calcrotmat(rot)
--pitch x yaw y roll z
local cosa,sina,cosb,sinb,cosc,sinc=

local axx,axy,axz=

local ayx,ayy,ayz=

local azx,azy,azz=

return {xx=axx,xy=axy,xz=axz,

A bit later, I use the applyrot function to apply the rotation on a ship. This is done once in the _update function.

function applyrot(ss,m,sort)
-- faster 0.02cpu but +30 tokens
local xx,xy,xz,

for v in all(ss) do
local r={}
-- z sort
if (sort) shellsort(rr)
return rr

Another little performance trick here is because rotation matrix is stored in a array, by accessing them once before the loop, we save 2% cpu because we no longer use array acces for each voxel.

Then, we have rotated voxels in world space, we can project them in the screen space, like we did for the road vertices. And as I’m lucky, I get this :

A xwing and a millenium falcon !

On this early screenshot, you can see an orange shadow. Actually, it is not a shadow but the light projected by the sustentation system. But it is difficult to “read”, so after some tries and twitter advices, I paint it black 😀

In this case, we also sort the voxel on Z axis because the rotation is complete. But I only keep this sorting for the menu rendering, not in the game.

Ships on the Road

As I mentionned earlier, the road is a straight array. I can even tell that the road is flat ! I handle the ship integration on a unfolded and flat road. Before rendering the road and the ship, the unfolded world is converted to the “real” world, the one with a half-pipe. At this moment, a rotation is applied around the ship Z axis to make it look like it fly parallel to the half-pipe part. I use a linear interpolation when changing angle to make the movement smooth.

Climbing the half pipe !

So, according to the place the ship is placed on the unfolded road, a rotation on Z axis is added, and also gravity to make the ship “fall” to the half-pipe flat part. And here is the magic.

These tricks are the main structure of the rendering, all the details are integrated in this unfolded straight road. This save a lot of cpu for the other feature of the game. For example, collision checking is made in 2 dimensions, on the flat road.

Here is an excerpt of the convert function

function convert_xflat_to_x(pos,decx,ytmp,rot,spdp,shipp)

 local xflat,cumx,cumy,newz=
 -- for each road part
 for stp in all(rd_info) do
  if xflat > stp.fl then
   -- startx,y
 -- keep rotation
 if rot~=nil then
 if pos.yflat then
 -- gravity
 if spdp~=nil then
  local gx=sin(newz)

The other ship, the ones that are away from the one you control, are rendering the same. There is just one difference linked to the fact that the turns are “old school”, based on an offsets accumulation. This offset accumulation must be considered to place the ship on X axis. If not the other ships will be placed near the middle of the screen even instead of on the road, if the road turns left or right. This is well explained in the resource link I provide, so I’ll not tell more here.

I Hope you like this insight, if you have questions you can leave a comment or contact me on twitter @yourykiki. Don’t forget you can acces the whole code on lexaloffle bbs, the “code” link just above the game.

Have fun !

Resource :

How I make Brutal Pico Race – First part

Brutal pico race uses an hybrid rendering system, combining differents technics for road an ships rendering. On the fly vertices computing and triangle rasterizer based on old school racing games for the road and voxel based ships.

Here is the first article about How I Make Brutal Pico Race. I try to give some technicals insight which are the result of a fight between a game idea and Pico 8 possibilities (or constraints).

Next time I’ll talk about the ships, and how I integrate them into the road system.

The idea


I had the idea of Brutal pico race after my subconscient combine differents things I saw in differents places. The first piece came from the running man from Neo Tokyo (not the movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger). The Lorn title Sega Sunset fits well to this short film.

Work emerging from tweeter and other places

At this time, I was looking for a tool to give my children an idea of what is computer programming. I had pico 8 with a voxatron package, I though it was a good start ! But finally, I don’t think they are as interested as me ! But by learning about pico 8 I found very interesting projects and a great community and I got trapped !

If I had to keep only 3 projects, I would talk about Zepton and Alone in pico 8 with his very detailled postmortem and Lands of Yocta. I was stunned ! We can do that with pico 8 ?

So, months after discovering the running man from Neo Tokyo, and after seeing some pico8 projects, I started to demake this race. First step, the road !

The road

Brutal pico race, first IA test
Brutal pico race, the road…


The road is an array of road blocks. Each road block has its own properties. To draw the road, I use x,y,z coordonates, fx for curve effect, c for color and t for the road type. The x coordonate was used in the firsts prototypes, but it has been replaced by the fx curve effect. I guess I could save some little tokens here ! So fx property is used to simulate curves, like old-school racing games, before real 3D.  And, that’s all for the road. In Brutal Pico Race, a road block is 64 units long, that’s an arbitrary choice. All this information are handled in the “init_all_road” function.

So basically, a race track is a straight line, looping.

Hybrid rendering

The track is rendered from the the farthest to the closest road block compared to a camera, with weak perspective projection. This way, a 3D world is projected on a 2D screen.

projected x = 3D X/ 3D Z
projected y = 3D Y/ 3D Z

I did not use matrix projection because it have a cost. I try to code only what is necessary. Also, there is no rotation for the track.  We project in 2D the 4 “vertices” of each road block. At this point we have coordonates for a 2D polygon. It is drawn with a rasterizer which fills triangle. I ended up with the 163 tokens one from @p01 which is fast and light.

By applying a cos or sin function to X and Y world coordonates, and making the camera translate on Z, we obtain the following result (Note the little CPU cost) :

Below there is an excerpt focusing on road drawing block by block. I carefully make each vertex to be computed once. So for each road block, only 2 vertices are computed. The first iteration of the loop doesn’t draw anything, it has to wait for the 2nd iteration to have 4 vertices.

function drawroad(cam,ird,p)
 -- calculating road
 local r,rn,v,vn,vz=
  nil,nil--render info
 -- first partial offset
 local irdn=ird+1
 local irdlast=ird+nb_rb-1
 -- ready to draw road
 for i=irdlast,ird-1,-1 do
  -- clip

  -- clipping
  if dz==7 then
  -- current part

  -- drawing road
  if rn~=nil then 
   -- drawing triangles
  -- next

Half-pipe system

So, now that we can draw a straigth road, with no rotation but with a potentially different altitude for each road block, and that we are not constraint by shapes thanks to the polygon filling, we can imagine a way to enhanced the road. I had in mind that the road must be like a half pipe, to make the ships climb on the road when it turns. It is now possible ! One road block is composed of 6 parts, each parts with a different altitude. All the vertices are computed from the middle of the road (x=0,y=0,z=z road block), in the world coordonate system by changing x and y value for each vertex. Then those new vertices are projected on screen and here is the magic.

Then I wonder how many of these road block can pico8 draw ? So I made a full halfpipe to see how it is handled, and it perform well for 30 FPS. As I was aiming for splitscreen multiplayer, having the CPU under 50% was a good news, even if I also knew that I wasn’t drawing all I need for the race.

Resources :

Brutal Pico Race 1.0.3 last update !

I’m happy to share with you the last Brutal Pico Race update. This version contains 3 more tracks, the tricky ones ;), a persistent time board, in game music (2 channels for music and the last 2 for sound fx). I also change the ship name, to be less “engineer code” name, but something easier to remember…

But most of all, you can now die ! as the other ships…

I add some tricks on main page, and a hud explaination.

Brutal Pico Race is a 5 month adventure on my side, I’m happy to share it with you

Have Fun

Brutal Pico Race sur

BBS lexaloffle officiel

Brutal Pico Race



  • Be careful with boost activation, before entering a turn is not always a good idea
  • Health affect how often boost  can be activated
  • You can gain some speed by using riding on the half pipe in the turns
  • Collision affect health and speed, so be careful you can’t repair your ship in race and try not to touch other ship to maximize your speed

Damien Hostin (aka YouryKiKi)

Brutal Pico Race 1.0.2

Brutal Pico Race 1.0.2
Brutal Pico Race 1.0.2

Almost a week since first public release, and here is a new release answering the first feedbacks.

What’s new in this release :

1.0.2 :

  • Increased difficulty
  • 3 kinds of bots (a heavy, a normal and a light one)
  • Better end screen (with rainbow win/lose)
  • Changing camera after race with up/down keys
  • Other ship progress on the left
  • Cooldown for ships collision damage
  • Changing track loader, now there is room for 3 new tracks, coming in next release,
  • Better boost visual-fx engine trail
  • Fix boost sound-fx in splitscreen
  • Change morgan3d heapsort with ciura’s shellsort

In next release, depending on the feedbacks :

  • 3 more tracks 🙂
  • Time board, for a longer single player experience
  • 2 chans music when playing ?
  • death when hp<0 ? for the moment, it just affects the boost load and cooldown
  • What you thinks is important and I have room to add =)

You can find the game on, official pico8 BBS and Indiedb

Have fun !



Brutal Pico 8 almost done !

It make now about 3 month that I discovered Pico8 and decided to make a side project about a futuristic race. Since last time, I add some features and fixes some bugs. I plan to make articles, but I need to finish the game before.

Brutal Pico Race - Split screen
Brutal Pico Race – Split screen

Here is a animated gif where we can see the game in splitscreen mode, some particules for rendering, and simple AI and boost for gameplay.

I think I have again 1 month of coding, testing. I hope I could add music and sound effects before July…

I hope you like it !


Discovering PICO8

It makes some times I didn’t update my blog, that’s because I get trapped by PICO8 !

I was looking for a simple language to show my children a bit of programmation. I though about Pico8, after seeing some tweetcards. I start to look of it works and… 56 days after, I am with a 75% finish game I didn’t plan to make !

More informations soon, for the moment you can take a look at my tweeter profile

Brutal pico race, first IA test
Brutal pico race, first IA test

Working on Light puzzles


It takes a while since the last time. I’m currently working on the light puzzle, not as fast as I wish. I had to handle some obstacles on the game engine. I first thought that “real” physics-based reflection would do the job, but this way leads to severals cases not intended. We could make the light ray go through the puzzle by tweaking edges cases. Or, because the light ray is not right in the middle on the differents mirrors, a puzzle could be impossible to resolve. So I switched to a different way for light reflection ; It is now following the grid ! Light path is way more predictable and you don’t have to bother whether or not you aim a mirror right in the center.

Light ray following the grid

You can test the reflection model here . Sprites are placeholder, there is no goal, light ray has a temporary representation, controls are odd… I mean all this is quite young, but I wanted to share as it makes a lot of time I didn’t show any activity ! I update global progress from 30 to 35 %

In the same time, I am currently learning some skills on piano and music composition… It is not visible for the moment, but I hope to share another track before the end of the year !

For the next time, I plan to enhance the sandbox by adding other component behaviour, and some levels.

See you !

Electric Mind Pulse first puzzle finished !

Hi there !

I’m happy to announce that my first puzzle is finished ! Since the last article, I spent my time on music and music script. I added some events for sound effects. I also made a system which change the music when the signal is low. I made 4 music loops and a little transition. At last, I fixed a few bugs and try to improve the gameplay.

It is the first time I work on all parts of a game, even a little one. The graphics are procedurally generated, as the game is based on a UI, it fits well. Music and effects are made with sunvox and Bfxr. And of course, programming is made on Unity. You can listen the puzzle lock music on youtube and soundcloud.

I hope you like it. Let me know what you think about it ! In my last test I reached level 28.

From now, I will work on a second puzzle, light or energy, I don’t know which one for the moment. While I was composing music and sound effects, I put on stash several ideas. I may compose a new track before starting working on the next puzzle.

Stay tuned !

Transmission system Ready !

Hello !

The last two week, I finish the transmission system, I introduce Electric Mind Pulse on Indiedb and a french forum canardpc. I spend more time on this two parts that I though I would.

For the indiedb part, I accumulated multiple mistakes. First of all, I didn’t really understand the rules for posting news ! Now I master them, 6 media (image, sound, gifs…) or a 1 minute video about the game. Then I realize a video would be better than 6 images that show almost the same thing. So I start making a video… I put way too much quality and the time to upload it on youtube was way too long !! Once the video uploaded, youtube has to process it and I decided to cut some parts. Again, it took a load of time that I didn’t expect ! At the end of the week-end, I had a video on youtube and my article validated on indiedb, but I did nothing else… Next time a shorter video and a lower bitrate will help me get this task done faster ! I really thank feillyne from indiedb for his patience !

Then, I start the last gameplay element. The first obstacle was how to draw some straight lines representing my data. I didn’t know if it was possible. As unity doesn’t provide some easy API to draw complex shapes on a image, the puzzle disk is drawn with mesh. But for the transmission system, as there are only straight lines, I wanted to handle it with an image. I though it would be easier to scroll it. So after some search and a little fight with the code, I finally found the way. Then, I gather a short “Bresenham line algorithm” and reuse the randomness system that prepare the disks to draw the transmission texture, and I get my “transmission” drawn.

Disk mesh

The second obstacle was about how to make the infinite vertical scrolling. I use a simple trick, two image moving behind a mask. When the first image is totally out of the mask, I reset it and put it on the bottom of the other.

After that, I had to make the “transmission weakness” appear in red, when fully detected the system allow the player had 4 seconds to activate it. I coded a trigger mecanism and terminated by coding the bonus.

There are 5 random bonuses :

  • Signal boost, add +5 on signal
  • Signal consuption reduction, half signal consuption
  • Improved grid, that accentuate the projection grid contrasts
  • Overload reduction, that increase overload recover speed
  • and a rare bonus that auto-resolve current disk

At first, I was thinking of a more complex system where the player has to click/tap on the red part of the transmission, but what happen if we are playing with keyboard ? So I switch to a more simple approach, the player has to left click, double tap or press space to activate the bonus once recognize by the system.

“Et voila !”

Since, I start to work on sound effects and a dedicated music for the puzzle part. I hope I’ll have something to share next time !

Test in WEBGL